What’s the verdict on the qunexus? I don’t even care that much about the per-note control stuff… I’m mostly interested in an ultraportable controller at this form factor with high build quality.
I tried the korg naonkeys and the action is like ass. I don’t think the piano minikey thing (akai, maudio) is optimal for the ultraportable form factor - better to go with something that’s optimized to be this slim/light in the first place. I already have an akaiMPK mini, but it’s a little bulky/heavy for my taste and the key action is only so-so.
Well it’s all subjective when it comes to key action, I can’t tell you what you would like. I can say that the keyaction is definately different than the semi weighted M-Audio88 I have. So instead of modulating your fingers as you play you kind of dance your fingers around like a butterfly smacking the keys with the pad of your finger tips. Other than that, the only things I can vouch for is the per-note control, which you say you don’t care about. It’s good for all the CV1-2 but other than that you can probably find something cheaper I guess.
It’s not that I don’t care about it, I think it’s great to have. It’s just that I’m not sure a lot of VSTs support it (or I’ll have the patience to play around with mapping to something interesting everytime I open up a new track).
I guess between that and build quality / key action, the latter is going to matter more on a day to day basis.
I’m used to slightly strange “flat” key layouts, having done some tinkering on the OP-1. I actually like the OP-1- The travel is so narrow and it’s a binary (on/off) button, which makes the timing ultra precise about the timing (or magnifies your shitty timing).
My impression from your description and other reviews is that the keys are similar to mpc pads in keyboard form?
basically yes, they barely give way at all when u press them, you can get great sound from the QuNexus but you have to play slightly differently on it to take advantage of pitch bending per key etc, I would recommend it, but it’s not like the PERFECT controller or something it’s just really nice especially for synth and guitar imo
Pardon being late to this thread; ideally somebody finds this useful. True that your VST has to support certain features if you plan to use them. I’ve been using mine with NI Massive and having a lot of fun, the one thing I haven’t yet jumped into is the Channel Rotation, which allows the poly pitch-bend, aftertouch, and pressure for each key. It works as the name suggests, by using multiple midi channels.
The OP-1 doesn’t come close (just talking keys here) to the quality of the QuNexus keys. Your comparison to MPC pads is relatively accurate, though IMO, the QuNexus pads are even better when it comes to velocity sensitivity.
At the end of all this, it comes down to if you find the unique features useful. I’m personally VERY happy with the QuNexus, and I still have more features to explore
I received one for my birthday this year. It definitely has an adjustment period coming from a Korg NanoKey. You will get very familiar with the editor, because you’ll need to keep tweaking the sensitivity settings and the note on/note off settings. Major difference is you have to press the keys much harder than other controllers, and some keys seem to respond less well than others (it could be my lack of consistent finger strength, or it could be a defective unit…not sure). I have fiddled with the pitch bend-per-key, but really I don’t know if I’m ready to go there yet.
Per Renoise speciifcally, I notice that when I first start playing notes after loading Renoise, the unit freezes after the first 4 or 5 notes. It seems to hang on a note, and once you press that note again after a few seconds to deactivate it, it’s fine for the rest of the session.