Random layer odd behaviour

Is anybody else getting strange results with the keyzone layers set to random?Sometimes it behaves strangely and it’s as if it randomizes once then just keeps repeating the sequence.

For instance its really clear to see when you do this.New instrument that contains 2 samples of a hi hat,keyzones are layered and it is set to random.Instead of truly being random it is just switching between the two samples in a consistent manner,every once in a while the sequence will change slightly but it quickly moves back to the cyclical pattern.

Nobody else come across this???

Yes, this is happening, on Windows; ‘Random’ may appear to be cyclic when using only two samples.
When using ‘Random’ selection for more than two overlapped samples; it seems random.

This will happen on all systems, as it is intentional: Renoise never plays the same sample twice in a row. So with 2 samples, the samples can only be played alternately.

Probably would not hurt to make that behavior an option as it’s obviously not obvious.

The tooltip for this is confusing since it claims to work as a Round-Robin sequence (i.e. each sample will be played once before the random sequence restarts), but this is clearly untrue.

When I reported this I was getting weird behaviour with two samples(that you have now explained to me)but I think I was coming across behaviour that was odd in instruments that contained multiple samples too, like when I had a loop it was cycling through patterns.Maybe I am misremembering,I will check later.