Random midi notes from controller do not trigger


I am currently evaluating Renoise and i really love the sampler, effect and modulation possibilities. I dont really use the sequencer as I want to use it as a sampler to play with my Keyboard, and there I have one problem:

When I play a sequence with my midi controller sometimes notes don’t trigger. Its quite random and not really reproducible. I can see the midi messages in the midi monitor and I checked if all of the are there so it cannot be the keyboard itself. I can see the “missing” notesö.

any Ideas or suggestions are highly appreciated.

I managed to reproduce something:

when I play a chord with 3 notes, I hear all 3 when I release 2 notes, all 3 stop.
when I play a chord with 3 notes, I hear all 3 when I release 1 note, 2 stop.

when I play a chord with 4 notes, I hear all 4 when I release 1 note, 3 stop.
when I play a chord with 4 notes, I hear all 4 when I release 2 notes, 4 stop.

do all of these samples have a loop? so they keep playing endlessly when you hold down notes?

not all of them.
I just realised I have 5 instruments loaded. when I delete one of them this behavior stops.
is there some limit active? all in all its 22 samples I have loaded…

the question you are posing requires far more detail than “5 instruments”.

please take a screenshot of what your instrumentbox looks like. it is on the top right corner, and lists the instruments in the song.

and do your instruments have samples and vstplugins/auplugins/vst3plugins? or only samples?
5 instruments loaded vs 22 samples loaded, do you specifically mean that you have 5 instruments, where each has about 4,4 samples loaded into the instrument?

it is hard to troubleshoot this when there’s not much info here. have you set all 5 instruments to be played by the same midichannel on your midicontroller?

please provide more details.

@seblleb1 Sorry, but you do not seem to have a good description of what is happening to you.
I am not sure what operating system you are using, or even if it is the evaluation version of Renoise that you are using or not.
When I play a sequence with my midi controller is too open to interpretation to be clear. I need information such as what MIDI controller was assigned to which MIDI Map function, using what settings, and how it was played.
If it is Windows, it also has to do with whether or not you are using ASIO, etc.
Incidentally, ASIO is not supported in the evaluation version, so we do not know if this will affect the number of simultaneous pronunciations, but at least the real-time characteristics will be worse.
Project files, screenshots, screencasts, etc. would be better.

Ok Sry for babbling - I try better now:

I am evaluating Renoise thus I am not using ASIO which I am aware of concerning Latency
OS is Windows 11 Home 10.0.22631.
I am using an Akai MPK25 to play live melodies and Chords with the Renoise sampler. I have no VSTs imported

To make the problem clear I now make step by step description how I now managed to reproduce the problem

  • new Projekt
  • instrument slot1 → waveform → load basic triangle stock preset
  • assign akai mpk as midi input
  • duplicate instrument slot1
  • play and hold 7 notes simultaniously ( eg, C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1)
  • release 5 notes
  • and here is the problem. I dont hear the fist note I played and didnt release. (what I hear is a single D1 in the example above )
  • in the midi monitor there is no note-off from my keyboard but the 2 little lamps beside the 2 Instruments turn off as soon as I release the D1

In cluster of 7 notes its hard to hear one missing
I tried the same procedure with more duplicated instruments. with 3 instruments loaded I release 4 notes of 7 and the remaining are all silent.

I hope this was more clear.

You could record that chord in the pattern, save it as a project file and upload it here.
If someone using ASIO on a Renoise registered version of Windows can play all of those chords, I think we can conclude that there is essentially no problem.

Is there a problem with the number of simultaneous notes in MPK25?
Can I play those chords on another DAW?