Random vel pan dly while inserting notes with pc

Hi all,

why not add (in the middle top of renoise screen) a swicth that enable inserting random valuefor vol, pan, dly while inserting notes into sequencer with pc keyboard? with control of middle value and random range?


I think, this is a great idea, because then you are free to tweak your instruments to a new level of realism.

For example, let’s say, you have a picked guitar sampled. So if that one plays different samples on different

volume levels you’ll automatically get a far more real-sounding instrument.

With a velocity tracker you could even configure a HP-filter (-> all sorts of effects) to close on smaller volumes

and open a bit more on higher ones.

(Yes, you can do this right now with an instrument FX chain, but automatically inserted values by renoise would

make the flow a lot more flowy… :wink: )

Nevertheless - Renoise is boss.

I think this is a great idea.

Currently there is only a valuebox for a fixed velocity value. This could be replaced by a button (“input processor” or some better name), bringing up a window with more elaborate setting like this (support for vol/dly/pan column and random center/range). That would be a very slick enhancement imo.

Great idea.

I’m working way long on simple piano pieces because of this.
Make it happen dev-team :slight_smile: make it random in % or so.

Isn’t it already possible using advanced editor? I mean, I don’t get why it’s better to have it while input?

Yes, it is possible, in the bottom right side of sequencer, in the section Vol/Pan/Delay/Fx…

Having random value while inserting notes is fastest!!!

There is already default velocity available. I wouldn’t call that redundant, but very useful just like the additions suggested.