Randomizing repeater on a snare only

Hey y’all - I wanted to create a chain of effects to randomize the repeater when the snare is triggered and also only trigger the repeater occasionally so the repeater is only active sometimes. Here is how I came up with a way to accomplish this. It’s working and also seems like maybe there is a better way to achieve this?

  • 2 LFOs controlling the mode and divisor of the Repeater with the random setting (in blue)
  • 1 Velocity tracker making the repeater active when the snare is triggered (in pink)
  • 1 Velocity tracker making the repeater bypass when the hi-hat is triggered (in pink)
  • 1 LFO controlling when the Velocity tracker for the snare runs with the random setting (in pink)

Any thoughts for a better way to achieve this?

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