Real-Time Midi Playing Recording


First of all I have to say that I am very excited with Renoise. I have been running Jack with Ardour(great DAW) but it has always been a pain in the ass for making electronic music. I also have some FL background.

I have playied a bit with Renoise but there is something I have no clue how to do. I want to play a melody on my MIDI keyboard and record it live into a pattern. Then I want to manually quantize it(like in FL). Is this possible? The problem is that the pattern always gets in a loop so it records on top of the old record. I also don’t want qunatization when I record but rather quantize manually later so that the melody doesn’t get too robotic.

Very grateful for replies :rolleyes:

Hello & welcome,

Either prepare a bunch of (empty)patterns beforehand through cloning the patterns or pressing the ‘+’ button in the sequencer, or use this tool when jamming live on top:

Unfortunately quantization has a lot to be desired for in Renoise and isn’t visually straightforward as in a piano roll. You can set quantization amount in lines through toggling the ‘Q’ button underneath in the pattern editor. So the quantization amount gets taken into account during play, or use the drop down arrow toggle next to the quantization amount after playing. Be sure to read the manual: