Really Need To Know How To Make A Sample "Faster"

Like a fastfoward button. Plays the sample fast. I know you can simply lower/raise the octave, but thats not the sound I want. Like pressing the fast forward button on a dvd player and the sound plays during that.

you should use a combination of pitch increase and sample offset (09xx) in order to skip parts of the sample. something like:

D-4 01 ---- (C-4 is normal pitch)  
--- -- ----  
D-4 01 0920  
--- -- ----  
D-4 01 0940  

…and so on.

of course, the 09xx value really depends on the length of the sample

like tiny little clips playing at normal pitch but really fast?
not like tape deck FF or scrub right?

Thanks for the help, but simply just make a sample sound fast forward, not extremely high pitched.

Shouldn’t the new rubberband script take care of this?
Or do you want to do it in the pattern editor =>>> Oooh maybe that’s something I should try to script… I wonder if it’s possible?!

Yeah sounds like your talking about timestretching ,
You could use the rubberband tool which isn’t bad but i prefere energyxt/live . The quality’s better and the interfeces are a lot easier to use.

From what I understand, he’s talking about the sound a tape recorder makes when you press the FF button and can still hear the tape.

In Google terms, “tape scrub”. There’s probably a VST somewhere.

But the most obvious solution to me is to record a tape player with a microphone.

Here’s my take on this:

I’ve included an example of an ‘analogue’ tape style fast forward which rapidly alters the pitch of the loop, with some subtle speed up and slow down at the points where the ‘button’ is pushed.

I’ve also included an example of a digital cd/dvd style fast forward, which does not alter the pitch and instead rapidly skips/scrubs through the sound. During the moments where it’s skipping ahead, I’ve also added some subtle variations with the sample offset command to simulate the slightly out of sync jumpy sound.

Not exactly perfect, but fairly similar I guess. Hope you find it useful anyway.

Conner_Bw is quite right though: if you really want that authentic sound, then simply record your music to tape or burn it CD/DVD, then capture the real sound itself with a microphone or line-out. I’ve done this is the past myself, but you sometimes have to dig around for a player that actually still makes the fast forward sound in the first place. Many modern players simply output silence now because it’s less harsh on the ears :)

nice work, particularly on the analogue! brings back some memories of my earlier hifi`s :)

Cheers. Not bad for about 5 minutes of work I suppose. :)

If more time was spent to analyse the characteristics of a real tape deck, I think you could get something really nice out of it. Little touches, like whether there’s some apparent filtering of the sound during fast forward - I seem to recall a very slight dullness or lowpass sound, essentially due to the tape heads reading the tape at a much faster speed and therefore lower quality. Plus other things, like layering on top some actual samples of the buttons clicking as they’re pressed, and the sound of the tape heads ca-chunk-ing and whirring into action, etc. As well as the weird little warbles and variations in speed as the tape heads are dis-engaging and re-engaging with the tape (which I tried to emulate a bit).

Anyway… fun stuff. Maybe there’s a custom VST idea in here somewhere, hehe :)

/thread over

tape stop sound :>

Really nice!! Actually you should post this in the tips & tricks, because again… this is really nice! Thanks. :)