Recommendable Synth For Linux?

Search gave me too many useless results. :unsure:

I like ZynAddSubFX - latest build comes with a good amount of sounds

Use with care tho - it’s multi-timbral and I’ve seen it put a smack on a few CPUs here and there.

if you’re looking for vsts, there’s xhip (this is the only build i’ve seen working), aspect (this one is awesome), discoDSP discovery, and a few synths included in the mda plugin pack.

Yea vst ofc, discodsp looks/sounds nice.

as visinin said Aspect is excellent, in fact I’d recommened all the stuff!

I tried this Aspect thing:

First I set a VST_PATH to my desired path suing this guide:
doesn’t work.
Copying the files(Aspect executable, Aspect Patches.xml and to /home/…/.vst
did not work either.
(Ofc first time I told renoise to use VST_PATH.)
Whats wrong?

ok, works.