Recommended Freeware Vst-plugins

Little bugy but cool


Spectral suite


Dope :fire::fire::fire:
Good find!

Edit: the Morph plug pretty consistently freezes renoise. Caveat emptor

This seems to be the best freeware clipper so far, the gui is quite precise, now also as U2B.

Release U2B builds here: Recommended Freeware Vst-plugins - #299 by ffx


great update for all renoise users! now everything works much more stable. the author is a genius. so many wonderful instruments that help to make a special sound!


Yo for the FM heads, this thing is really cool:

it’s a dense interface, but it’s single page wysiwyg.

The readme warms my heart, in terms of how inundated everything is these days with unnecessary promo/marketing copy:

WARNING! This synths volume can get loud fast and unexpected. Be careful when modulating with feedback (ex. AM/PM/FM from 1-2 + AM/PM/FM 2-1). Consider using a limiter. Protect yo neck !!!

Beta 1.3 - this synth will have bugs and glitches.

:radioactive: Throw a maximizer or a 0-drive 100-wet distortion on your signal-chain before take off ! :radioactive:



Reworked version, also mac, maybe better than A1 StereoControl: Basslane | Tone Projects | Unique Audio Plugins

Build your own synth/effect with plugdata (Pure Data fork) as VST3 instrument. You can export it as an VST, but that’s another story.


Free Piano-Synth VST3; here:

Some sound demos; here:

Maybe a very good freeware limiter? Wave Breaker - the ultimate true-peak limiter

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It appears the free software, video tutorials and other stuff that comes with Computer Music & Future Music magazines is off the login paywall!?

check it out maybe you can find something interesting

Edit: Some of the software is still under “quiz wall” but you can get a bundle of PC instruments/effects from the 309 edition that contain what’s listed below. Definitely try Synapse Audio Dune if you need a quality beefy synth:

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They evacuated to
A lot of people had access to that file host and they used to download all the content somehow.

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Btw, check out those free Ultra-quality synths by Ronan Fed. (Windows Only)

KVR developer challenge 2023;

PD fork with polished UI and VST support? FINALLY!
I’ve been looking all over for a PD fork to replace max4live. This looks great!

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I haven’t tried this but Polyverse have just released a new free filter plugin ‘Filtron’ and if it’s like their other plugins it should be worth a look:


Maybe useful free plate reverb, it sounds cool as 80s snare maybe:


It’s not a VST, but for those who like the famous “Wilhelm Scream”:

Now the lost original recording was found again. Restored and digitized by Soundly. You can download the original recording with all 6 original takes of the scream for free on Soundly. The cleanest recording you’ll ever get.


Damn! Wish I’d seen this back then!