Record A Few Bars In Last Pattern In The Sample Editor

Hey, Im thinking, I record a lot of vocals in Renoise, and sync rec with song. But that way the breathing before row 1 disappears, and I thought itd be nice if two samples were recorded: One normal, like now, and one say 2 bars before the start rec bar. That way I could get my breathing in (or whatever you play on bars 3/4 before recording) in a neat separate file.

Or anything, really, that would spare me the time it takes to listen to one bar extra each time im tracking vocals :)

What do u think?


It would be great if Renoise will play samples not only from note start, but even if note located at the start of pattern, and you start pattern play from the middle of pattern, and sample plays from it’s mid-pattern position (tracked)! Sure it was discussed somewhere here before… But i dunno what devs desided about it.
If this will be developed, it will solve your problem i think: you’ll be able to set note of your vocal sample at the end of previous pattern, and breath sound will remain.
But i think it’s pretty hard to develop such allsamplesinasongtotaltracking…

Suggestions like this for enhancing renoise ability in handling long samples have been made times and times in this forum, but to no avail yet. Regarding the fact that Renoise is a music production software this problem is one of the most important to be overwhelmed, I hope developers find an efficient way to conquer this problem in the close future.

It doesn’t necessarily be like that… It’d work fine for me if you could set “sync rec start with bar” (as it is now, cant remember the exact name right now) PLUS “record X bars/rows before - in a different sample”

is that clearer?