Recording automation via midi in from hardware synth - to graph or midi control

Hi - sorry if this is blindingly obvious to everyone else, but I have a Novation Nova - with midi out/in to Renoise. It all works great, but I want to record incoming midi cc changes I am making on the Nova itself, in to either a midi instr control or in to a graph etc
I read a page on here that said “use midi mapping” and “tick this box so it shows a graph line” - but no joy, I’m still getting all my incoming midi automation recorded as M messages per track like this :

Also - how do I remove these M messages without removing the notes! I’ve tried many key combos, with alt+del being the closest, but it removes the notes too.


Not sure about the rest, but you can remove a column or sub column by making a granular selection. Usually by holding a modifier key while selecting. On my computer (Mac) it is the option key.
Perhaps more easily, you can place your cursor at the first line of the column and press option+z to select all below (and to cycle through expanding columnar selections, keep pressing this combo), or on the last line and press option + a to select all above. Again, your modifier may vary. Once you have the desired selection, command +x will cut.

Anyone got any advice on how to do this? (is it even possible)

Have you set the Midi In device on the Renoise Instrument?

This page might be useful to you:

I don’t have any synths that send out midi. There is the DSP toggle that determines if it gets recorded in the command line or envelop. Depending on what you want to achieve you might find a work around through there.

Removing everything but the notes can be done via the content mask. The you can just do ALT+T followed by CTRL+X. Be sure to uncheck both the notes and instruments. Otherwise you’ll keep the notes without any instrument assigned to them.

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