I have Renoise sequencing my Access Virus Indigo via MIDI. I have the audio outputs of the Virus hooked up to my Motu Traveler firewire soundcard. I would like to capture the audio from the Virus using the Traveler while Renoise is controlling the Virus via MIDI. Is there any way to do this, please?
Currently tried: One Renoise “MIDI instrument” sequencing the Virus, with a “Line-in Device” returning the Virus analog audio outputs from the Motu Traveler soundcard into Renoise, but it doesn’t play/record the Virus’ audio when I go to “Render Song To Disk”.
I just want to bounce the audio from the Virus into Renoise as it is sequenced (played in realtime).
I have Renoise v2.1 (licenced from v1.2).