Hi guys,
anyone made theme for renoise out of redux dark theme?
or is there already one?
There’s a dark them installed by default already. Open preferences, themes to select it in Redux.
You can also load/import Renoise themes into Redux.
Thanks Taktik,
but i do not see Redux dark theme in Renoise, but i’ve managed to export it from Redux and import it in Renoise, sorry for bothering, i overlooked the export/import feature…
Thanks again and have a great day!
Could you share that theme? Or a screenshot. I would love a dark version of the Rudux theme in Renoise. The Redux theme was my go to in Renoise for the longest.
here it is
Redux dark theme.xrnc (5.0 KB)
Redux in renoise:D
just to demonstrate different tabs of sequencer sampler and mixer
I’ve been using this the last few days. It works well with Logic’s color scheme, which I use along with Renoise.
Thanks for sharing it!
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