Hi there, I’ve got an issue I did not find the answer elsewhere.
First of all I want to note that I have tested demo version of Redux and found out that Redux enlarging DAW’s project file. What is my setup?
I have plenty of sfz files with different volume of attached samples.
My main setup is Ableton + sforzando. Initially sforzando has no AHDSR controls (you can add them by text coding) and limited number of FX (can also be added by text coding with free MDA plugins). You can imagine what job should be done to implement all these stuff to each sfz.
Redux is more promising in respect to all above comparing to sforzando but I was confused with the fact that Ableton’s file with solely Redux track was 30 MB, the same volume as size of listed in sfz samples.
For example Ableton file with same sfz but using sforzando was only 80 kB.
Same situation with Reaper’s project file.
So, my request is to port samples into project only not to embed them into project file.
Is there any feature in Redux to swithch it off?