I found that when you play a polyphonic phrase in an instrument set to mono it is not mono. I expected the phrase to be read the way that only the rightmost note is playing, but instead you clearly hear chords.
Am i missing something perhaps? Can’t think of what i might have done wrong here, it’s a simple instrument with one sample and i set it to mono and NNA to cut.
I attached the instrument where i have two versions of a phrase, in one of them i removed three notes in the bottom to the left and you can hear the difference.
Mono with phrases will restrict the playback to play one !phrase! at the same time.
Mono without phrases will restrict the playback to play one !note! at the same time.
Everything else would be far too restrictive and less useful?
Mono with phrases will restrict the playback to play one !phrase! at the same time.
Mono without phrases will restrict the playback to play one !note! at the same time.
Everything else would be far too restrictive and less useful?
I was hoping it would restrict itself to one note no matter what the phrase says, after all it’s called mono. When you apply a chord phrase to a monophonic VST in Renoise you won’t get a polyphonic result. So i think it’s a bit misleading and i would like to be able to apply a phrase in Redux and it would sound the same as when applying it to a mono vsti in Renoise.
It’s a matter of preference i guess. I see the benefit of both ways, but i think i would prefer the real mono way.
Cons and pros:
Real internal mono: You can apply any phrase without it turning polyphonic. Great if you have an arsenal of phrases and likes to experiment with them on various instruments.
Mono only on the outside: You can get chords within a phrase. In my case i would rarely want to use a monophonic synth with chords as they are mainly basses.
New solution: Having a switch to turn it onandoffwould solve this.
Either way we’d need a mono option like the one we have now, cause there would else be no option to play back one phrase at the same time. This is very useful for example for drum patterns, rhythmic stuff in general. You also still can limit yourself to use a single note column in such mono triggered phrases, to get the desired behavior?
You also still can limit yourself to use a single note column in such mono triggered phrases, to get the desired behavior?
I could, but when i have several column phrases and i just want to see how it sounds like in a mono bassline i’d have to remove the unwanted notes. If there was a real mono switch i could quickly check out how it sounds and switch back if i regret it, instead of editing a lot of notes just to find out it’s useless.
I agree that the current mode is useful for drums, but i also believe the real mono mode could be useful for drums too, forcing it to only play one note at any time.
Has the mono option (in glide off state) any function at all when cut is enabled? I mean from within Redux, i see the difference in the host only.
Another point is that with Redux, the phrases are supposed to do the job of sequencing the instrument, so it makes it less important to have its monophonic behaviour in the host don’t you think?
I vote for an option to have both behaviours.
After all i’m starting to see myself as a veteran Renoise user with quite a lot of experience, i honestly expected that when i pushed the mono button i thought it would work like a monophonic synth and couldn’t understand what was going on. So i thought maybe others would expect that too? It’s like feeding a mono synth through a sequencer, you don’t expect sudden polyphony.
It seems other than the mono button Redux doesn’t have a voice limit system (to prevent cpu overload, etc), if it has and it’s user adjustable, that could be as easy as setting polyphony to one.
It seems other than the mono button Redux doesn’t have a voice limit system (to prevent cpu overload, etc), if it has and it’s user adjustable, that could be as easy as setting polyphony to one.
I guess that would make the behaviour i was looking for, but i wouldn’t want it to do anything to the modulation (as in limiting to x amounts of samples to play at once), because i think that would become very unpredictable and useless in many instruments. So i see it as a part of the phrase tab.
The best would be to have a polyphony setting both in the modulation and the phrase tab.
The best would be to have a polyphony setting both in the modulation and the phrase tab.
OK, so it’s strictly about trying out phrases, playing just a single note at a time. And polyphonic limitation is not an option, since you can have X number of samples associated with a single note.
I think I understand, but it’s quite a specialized usage case…
Btw: have you tried playing around with phrases+mono+glide? Sequencing in the host using phrases make a lot of sense here, especially if you are looking to program someswervy drums B)
I think I understand, but it’s quite a specialized usage case…
Haha, i guess you’re right. It was mostly about the expectation when enabling ‘mono’ you would get a monosynth to play with in the phrases. Maybe just my brain is screwed in backwards.