So why do you think redux hasnt been even mentionned ?
So why do you think redux hasnt been even mentionned ?
Leaving Redux out wasn’t his only weird choice, he actually included ReaSamplomatic5000, which is frankly almost useless, especially beside something like Redux. Article’s out to lunch.
Well, Reasamplomatic5000 has the basics covered, like (automatable sample start/end). While Redux can certainly do some rare stuff other samplers cannot do, it misses some important basics. That is why it is not in the list. Not surprising at all I think.
Ive mentioned it in the comments.
It is much better than nn-19 at least
But musicradar´s selections are generally a joke even if i read it
maybe they are only posting about entry-level samplers…but give people something to strive for man!
So why do you think redux hasnt been even mentionned ?
Because a magazine exists thanks to it’s advertisers of which Renoise is not one?
Because a magazine exists thanks to it’s advertisers of which Renoise is not one?
If that was the reason,why would that same magazine then give Renoise as well as Redux both 10/10 in their review?