Just wanted to say, I downloaded all the podcasts yesterday. Have listened to the first two and they are great! Keep up the good work, Suva. Not all the tracks are to my taste, but its fantastic to hear what a diverse range of music people create with Renoise.
I could have PM’d Suva with these questions I guess, but here we go:
Am I able to submit a track for future Remixta podcasts?
Are the tracks in the podcasts all created just with Renoise, or are they from people who use Renoise at some point in the writing process, but may use other gear as well?
Yeah, nobody can like all the genres out there. But if you have open mind, you will for atleast see, what makes those songs good. I am trying to make each podcast so that everyone can find little something in there, and also to introduce people to other genres, which they may like.
Posting it to renoise song forums is usually enough, I listen to all of the tracks posted there. You can always PM it to me or send in IRC, MSN, E-mail. But you have to understand that I only play tracks which I find cool enough myself and which fit the mix. On some months I have lots of good music which it’s hard to choose from, and on some others, I have troubles of getting good stuff together. So your chances of getting into the show will vary on how good you are, and how many better or just more suitable tracks I have to play.
Not all the tracks are created with Renoise only, many of them have been through other types of software. People usually mention that in their song descriptions in the forums, and if it’s interesting enough, I’ll try to tell that in the show aswell.
One of the things that impressed me was that you have put together podcasts that cover such a range of music. Like I say, its not all to my taste, but its all interesting.
And I like the fact that the only requirement is that YOU like it. That’s exactly how it should be.
I’ll post something in the forum when I have finished something I consider worthy enough for others to hear it
Yeah it sometimes sucks when people only give their myspace url. I write to them to send me MP3 copy of the tracks. They respond: Yeah, sure! And never get back to me.
But then it’s not only the loss of my listeners, it’s a loss of good promotion for the artists, and you know… If you snooze, you will lose.