Hi all, first timer here in the Renoise forums. I just dived back into Renoise after a hiatus and just realized something that always bugged me: the grey bar that follows the little orange cursor when moving up and down the pattern editor.
I’m not sure if others have felt the same, but it makes it a lot harder to create patterns. I use the static grey bars to identify quarter notes. Because of the moving grey bar (and that orange one that appears wherever I stopped my last play through), it’s hard to immediately glance and identify a particular given beat because those extra colors act as distractions.
I assume these were added to be helpful (in identifying what row your cursor is in and in identifying where you last stopped the playback). However, I would love to be able to remove them, as that would make Renoise a game changer for me.
I tried looking in the GUI preference section and couldn’t find anything of relevance. Is there a way to turn these colors off, or is this sadly a feature request that I would simply have to hope for?