Render notes of Renoise intstrument to samples

Maybe a stupid question, but how do I render all notes of a Renoise instrument to new samples through the FX chains?

For instance, I create a drum set where each drum sound is made up of two samples played together, and then sent to a compressor. I now want to render out one shots of this drum set to use with other gear. How would I do this?

Maybe a stupid question, but how do I render all notes of a Renoise instrument to new samples through the FX chains?

For instance, I create a drum set where each drum sound is made up of two samples played together, and then sent to a compressor. I now want to render out one shots of this drum set to use with other gear. How would I do this?

Record it Live in a new Empty sample section “”" select your sound card playback as an input instead of microphone “”

Record it Live in a new Empty sample section “”" select your sound card playback as an input instead of microphone “”

You can also render the entire pattern into single track \ then reslice it and use any sample you want [if the compressor is Physical \ external \ \ then > Take an audio in from it into renoise [ select the input in record options] > Record it live in renloise’s empty sample slot .

This tool might help B);

it does work in 3.1, but you need to manually update the manifest to 5 in the scripting terminal and when using, disable ‘write phrases to instrument’ in the settings.

Thanks for the answers. I just figured out another way that does not require to first create a pattern with all the notes:

  1. Load the instrument in an instance off Redux
  2. Use the Plugin Grabber to create new instrument
  3. In the new instrument, right click in the sample list and choose ‘Save all samples as’

you need to manually update the manifest to 5 in the scripting terminal

What does that mean?

What does that mean?

Idem contacted me through pm, my answer might also help others trying to get this tool to update properly in 3.1;

Hello Idem,

For it to work you first need to enable the scripting terminal in Renoise, you do this through changing a parameter in the config file in the preferences folder;

Opening Renoise’s config.xml file from the preferences folder, and set the ShowScriptingDevelopmentTools property to “true”. This way, you don’t have to pass the above mentioned argument all the time. If you don’t know where to find the Renoise preference folder, open Renoise and click on “Help” → “Show Preferences Folder…”

Enabling this option will add a new main menu entry “Tools” (or add new entries there if it already exists). In the “Tools” menu you will find:

“Reload All Tools”: This will force a reload of all installed and running scripting tools (extensions). This can be handy when adding new tools by hand or when changing them.

“Scripting Console & Editor”: This is the main developing scripting tool. It allows you to:
Evaluate scripts or commands in realtime with a small terminal (command-line)
Watch any script’s output (all "print"s and errors from scripts will be redirected here)
Create, view and edit Lua, text, and XML files that will make up tools / extensions for Renoise.

Don’t forget to save after you changed the value.

Now re-open Renoise to find the scripting terminal and navigate in it to the particular tool in the tree, clicking the triangle icon will collapse whats inside, there will be a file entry called ‘manifest’, double click it to open it and look for a line that says; ‘?’…where I’ve put the question mark it needs to be 5 for it to work in Renoise 3.1. So, change to: 5then don’t forget to press execute in the bottom right of the scripting terminal for the changes to be saved!

Now Reload the tool and it should work, though there are some issues (see tools thread).

Let me know if it worked out, maybe I forgot something?
