Hi, some months ago i bought maudio keyststion 61 with the xpand!2 plugin. I like the Instruments im this plugin, the Chors, die Akustic piano, etc. But you all know, there are no real good Instruments for Linux. Now my Idea is to render all Instruments i Need from xpand2 to xrni file.
What is importent to get the real 1:1 Sound betwen xpand2 and xrni. Whitch Settings do you use? What about the Release Time in the Plugin?
Why all that hassle and pain? Kinda masochistic desires? Maybe just stay with Windows, make it secure installing proper Firewall and disable all trojan services. BTW. the NSA is inside the Intel CPU(and AMD), OS doesn’t matter anymore.
Because my wlan driver dont work under windows 10, all my Apps (Davinci, Blender, obs, audacity, Gimp) exist on Linux and vstis ( Helm, Tyrell, Bazille too). And i want the calf plugins.
I like Linux to use. There are only this one Plugin, where i want to render
I actually just very recently realized that the Plugin Grabber in Renoise does not seem to be able to capture Xpand!2. The plugin allows for several layers to play simultaneously, but Renoise will always only capture one layer. It is very strange.
When i try it, what, if i want the set Release Time of the Note higher?
You probably should set amplitude envelope attack to the lowest setting and sustain to max in the plugin before rendering and record as long samples as you need. Then when rendered, you should add an envelope to the mod set volume to get the release time or whatever envelope characteristic you want.
A multisample of an instrument will not always be as the instrument itself. It is a sample snapshot of a specific setting, and you loose all parameter control over this setting when rendering. Also time-variant effects will get frozen to a single version that happened when rendering. But you can try to impose your own modulation and effects on the samples you rendered, getting a similar effect. I.e. render with long release stage, and add release falloff with a parameter, to kind of a simulation of a release stage. This won’t help with rendered filters though.