"Render to sample" as ReWire master with Live as slave


  • ableton (rewire slave) into renoise (rewire master)

  • simple pattern in ableton

result: “render to sample” will have the same timing errors like offline rendering in the render dialog

simple solution could be that rendering rewire inputs uses the same flags like realtime rendering mode in the render dialog

Mhn, no problem here with reason. Tested with renoise 3.01 (64bit) + reason 8.0 64bit. There is no latency between rewire connections. Maybe ableton introduce some kind of latency and dont compensate it? Reason doesn’t have latency compensation at all.

are you referring to “render to sample” function? playback doesn’t have any problems, just when i want to render a pattern to sample.

Yep, i selected all lines in the track, where the rewire input device was added. Right click->render to sample. Maybe you could post an example of a bad rendered sample.

does reason correctly render in offline mode when rewired? the issues look the same like when I render in offline mode with a rewired ableton… theres a few seconds of silence, then some unrhythmic stuff. ill post a screenshot when i have time.

simple solution could be that rendering rewire inputs uses the same flags like realtime rendering mode in the render dialog

Done that now for 3.0.1 which just got published in the backstage.

Done that now for 3.0.1 which just got published in the backstage.

Mhn, can this be configured? Don’t like it that’s now takes longer to render…

Mhn, can this be configured? Don’t like it that’s now takes longer to render…

hey Taktik, hey toimp,

first off, thanks a TON for implementing this in 3.0.1, there was no usable workaround except using the render dialog and importing stuff every time… I appreciate that thousand times man.

toimp Im sorry this takes longer for you now. but for me it totally didnt work properly, so it was an unusable, but needed feature. i hope you can get an option in future, or maybe differenciate which daw youre rewiring to… apparently reason doesnt have this problem, but ableton also cant “offline render” in the render dialog without messing up everything… sorry to hear man. i hope it doesnt slow you down too much.

Please make an option for this. Not everyone want this in realtime. With Reason everything was fine, it takes now ages to render … :frowning: