Renoise 1.27 Rc2 Is Available For Registered Users

The files are not deleted, they are moved to the recycle bin ! Thats why there is no confirmation.

Are you sure that you havnt disabled the recycle bin in windows ?

Then we also have to remove that even more stupid “space toogles edit mode when stopped” function, and I bet people will try to kill me if I do so.

On the other hand, you are right : This is a bad inheritance from FTII and makes only sense if you cannot edit the pattern while its running, what you can do in Renoise with patternfollow off.

When there is no such option people might be disapointed in the beginning, but I bet it takes only a day or two to get used to the new way of doing it.
We never claimed to be a 100 percent clone of FTII, there are others that will do so. The original is always better as an copy, so we should try to keep only the good sides of it.

For my part I don’t mind, but it seems stupid to remove this option as we would end up with another one of those endless discussions again… :)

However the Renoise option is not perfect either imo. What I don’t like is that space toggles play/stop when I only want it to stop. Maybe this can be fixed somehow by customizing the shortcuts but I’m not at home and can’t test it now…

Can we be so lucky that mp3 import will make it in final version, or does these issues take a bit longer to sort out?

How does renoise import mp3 files, will it make a uncompressed wav out of it internally, so we dont loose “more” soundquality cutting/pasting in a mp3 sample?

uhh… i don’t quite follow - are you seriously considering removing the ft2 mode? please don’t…

(i think twilek was joking anyway)

i think users should decide what is good and what is bad…

well, i wouldn’t be so flat… life isn’t black and white, sometimes the standarts and traditions are better than something new and raw…


I wanted to download version 1.27 RC2 but I never managed to log in, even by copy-pasting my password from the “password rescue” e-mail,
my account was blocked and I couldn’t log inuntil today. But today the same happened.

As I want to do a new “password rescue”, the site tells me that my email adress is unknown… :(

Other than that, I think it would be good to update the “polls” page regarding to the changes and updates in 1.27.


yeh, this system seems overprotected… sometime ago i got confused too… mail to developers about it…

let’s do it :)

No specific song. I have this problem only in RC2!

Are you used to need the logfile or the stacklog or both? Maybe there’s something interresting…

only for info: i’ve noticed some crashes with NI Kompakt + RC2. sometimes Kompakt freezes after trying to load another sound and i can’t wake up Renoise again … but i think the reason is Kompakt - don’t know … NI vst’s are only stable after the 1.1 release ;) ?!

It will stay in of course. As I said : people will kill me if I remove it. I just tried to explain why I dont like it.

maybe Im daft and don’t get the point…

but what’s wrong with edit mode on/off while not playing and
on/off when playing? with patternfollow…
The patternfollow off option requires full screen-mode to be usable imo…

another thing… Renoise still freezes up/jitters/stutters on me…
this only happens in tunes with VSTi’s and/ or DSP fx and occurs after
stopping play and volume comes to a low…
anyone else got this problem or is the problem buffer/ setup-related?

Yes, indeed :P :D

??? Why??? It works just fine for me in windowed mode…

hmm… the actual !pattern! in full-screen is what I mean not the whole shebang…
(a feature that, at least not yet, exist…)
since that useless bar that moves over the pattern dissapears/appears
depending on what half of the pattern your in… I want to see where I am
in the song…

It realy depends on wich resolution you are using. If your monitor/gfx-card can hander it, then try 1600x1200 and you will with no problems see the whole 64row-pattern at the same time ;) you will even see almost the whole pattern if you use 1280x1024 aswell


That render is quick as!!!

And the quality!!!

This professionalism is what sets Renoise apart from the rest!!!

( I am very happy)


another thing i’m wondering about since rc2:
whenever i save a song for the first time, it get’s saved AND reloaded automatically after that.
every save after the first save of the respective song won’t cause an automized songreload after saving.
is there some certain reason why this is handled like this?
it’s a bit daft when you use some VSTi’s which’s settings renoise doesn’t remember correctly after reloading, so you’ll have to reset them manually again every once you save a song for the first time… (strg-s)

you´ve got mail Taktik, also with some more details because of the loading issue. :)

Looking at the keymap editor a bit I realized what I miss… A mappable key also for STOP, i.e. one that won’t toggle between stop and play.