renoise 1.2beta is available for registered users

Found another bug today (I think it’s one anyway)…

Cant put a note off command (caps lock) in the second, third etc colum in a track. It moves down but no command is placed…

I think they know about that one (the note off bug)…
one thing I noticed, is that when I modify my song, it never asks if I want to save changes when I quit. Then again I can’t recall if it used to do this either ;)

on 1.2b I can’t get VSTi pitchslide (91 on the pan col) to work.

It just ignores it.

Could be because you added a pan col for each note col?

I see some incoherences in keyboard shortcut settings:
for example, if I set a shortcut to right ALT key, it is recognized as “LControl+RMenu”, though it correctly assigns to my right ALT key.

Maybe it’s due to regional settings? (I’m using italan keyb)