I’m working with the new version for around 1 week and I’m having a little trouble about the Clipping thing.
in the older version had that DeClipper, what we turn off and we can easily see when our sound was clipping or not.
now have more options, but I think that I tried all combinations, and any of them I can see if is clipping or not.
I think have something wrong in the Color Theme config, because in all themes that I load, ANY of them works about the back ground color when the song is clipping.
In VUmetter Color Setting, in Back Clipped I think is like the old versions, when the sound is clipping the back of the VU turn to that color, I put RED.
But the only thing that changed is the square on the right, which is fixed and NEVER change, so I don’t see any meaning to this.
So we can’t see when is clipping anymore.
the other question is about BPM.
Nice that now I can read the REAL BPM in a song, but how can I change the REAL BPM??? I mean, 120 BPM = 119.9674 Real BPM.
How can I change to make 120 BPM, be REAL 120 BPM?
and How can I set a BPM like 120.150 BPM?? I tryed the help, but I don’t found anything about it.
about the Clipping thing is URGENT! or I’ll need to comeback to the earlier version to finish my works. I can’t work without know if is clipping or not.