Renoise 2.2.0?

Hell no!

Hint #2: I’m making shit up.

Got rid of 0 ???

Can someone tell me if Taktik’s avatar is a still image or a motion :wacko: For me it looks likt’s moving :blink:
Eemm… maybe it’s time to go to sleep…

He’s just a sneaky b*stard
Using an image so mad he has diverted the talk of the release to us talking crap about his avatar hahahahahah

Anyway my vote is a frame of the dodgy home video of the first site of the even dodgier alien in the film Signs hehehe


We don’t need 0 anyway. It’s always just been a placeholder.

I see it also, but it just looks wobling around while staring.
It’s just a png. place your cursor somewhere on the pic. you will see it will not move.

We are making ourselves crasy again, but how can’t we.
Renoise_ on twitter says
"The quiet before the storm… "

Funny thing that… I saw a red sky this morning

Ok so I posted a question, got 70 replays, but no answer :P

Every morning I check my e-mails for a new Renoise version… I’ll go insane soon :blink: Help :wacko:

That’s a sign my friend. Trust me.

That poster makes Lea Thompson look like a melting Roger Daltrey.