Renoise 2.5 Beta Testing Starts

Loving the signal follower to bits. Pattern Matrix is the shit.

I like the resolution it gives to the work. I have to rethink my workflow now.

Pattern Matrix is the shit.

Huh? Just dont use it so…

i think he means it`s dope, cool, awesome, etc… )

haha. i guess something got lost in translation, “is the shit” usually means “it’s teh bomb” meaning “great.”

somebody tell me an exact way to route a signal from one channel into
the SIDECHAIN INPUT of a sidechain compressor please.

yeah, my bad…

there is not sidechain compression, its about useing of amplitude data of the signal to control any parametr u want…and for the sidechain compression ,for example , u should route signal follower on channel 1 to control treshlohld of compressor on channel 2…or just simply use gain instead of compressor.

I’ve never been online for weeks but, Pattern Matrix ROCKS!!! It might drive me nutZ!!!

Does this mean I would be able to, say, send a periodical SysEx to my Yamaha n12 (without which half of the controls do not send any MIDI messages at all)?

Fantastic update! Just upgraded my license as well…

I finally got the cash today to upgrade my Renoise license and get access to the 2.5 beta and…GodDAMN, Batman! I’ve yet to really do much with the “Pattern Matrix,” as I’m not exactly sure what I could even do with it yet (haven’t read the docs), but the interface and workflow improvements are incredible. I occasionally use Renoise as a ReWire slave to Ableton Live’s master, but I don’t think I’ll have much need for Live in the future…

I must say, for $60USD, Renoise is THE best damn music software purchase I’ve ever made. The sheer amount of granular control over sounds and arrangement that Renoise offers for hundreds of dollars less than any other DAW is truly remarkable, and over the last three years I’ve become a die-hard Renoise proselyte.

I’m currently just about to go back to school to work on a degree in professional music technology and studio production, and I’ve been introducing the folks at my university’s music department to Renoise and other DAWs–primarily Cakewalk Sonar and Ableton Live–and the department’s director, who has been playing piano since he was three (and he’s currently in his sixties) couldn’t believe a composition of my own, created only using Renoise and Native Instruments Akoustic Piano, was not recorded live using a Bechstein. I had to literally show him the program running for him to believe it.

I’ll be sure to post it to my SoundCloud site as soon as it’s finished and properly mastered!

In the meantime…thanks, guys. This is seriously an amazing product.

Thanks so much for this! I’m so impressed! You guys are brilliant. Your upgrades go beyond fixes and compatibility tweaks. The improvements you offer actually help me to get rid of creative blocks that I didn’t even realize I had. You’re changing the way I look at music. I love Renoise and the Renoise community! Thanks for all your hard work. Happy holidays!! :yeah:

All updates are impressive! thank you.
please if its possible create one Native Effect a Transient Designer

Thank you and happy new year for the DEV’s and all the renoise registered user.

@Hotelsinus: Try Flux Bittersweet. Free and fairly good as well.

This Renoise update is crazy. Now the only thing I can think of is dual screen features such as patterns on the left and mixer view on the right… oooooh :D

yes, please! (=

Minds, they are a changin’…terrible-waste/

Nice! Will be interesting to see if Soundonsound will give a reaction/review in the near future.

Hopefully this question has not already been asked, if it has - - Pardon. I was wondering, "has the user manual been updated to 2.5 yet? Can’t seem to find anything about it in the wiki.

As I am still new to Renoise, I consult the manual quite often. I’d love to start reading any updated version. If we have an updated manual, that addresses all the new features, and continues to explain the program as a whole, can somebody please post a link. Thanks


The manual pages are being updated in the background, i hope to have the full manual online when the Final version is around. At least i aim towards the Release candidates.

You can help yourself with the Beta Quickstart meanwhile (Assembled by Sato):


Thank you

just wondering how long the beta testing took for the last update?

Just so i can gauge how long this one will be, i’m sure it will be longer this time as it’s fairly huge to say the least :)