► Renoise 2.7 Beta Announcement


Nice to see my multiband send idea incorporated :D Seriously AAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!

how does one route different midi inputs per track?

On the Instrument Settings tab, flip out “MIDI Input”. There you can specify a specific MIDI device and channel to route to that instrument and also lock the recorded notes to a specific track.


you can’t choose the computer keyboard as input to control more than one instrument at the same time, right? Would like to have this :)

Not at the moment, no.


aarrgh! devs thanks so much. this is all i’ve wanted from renoise for aaages. thanks so much!!!

I believe it’s possible via virtual midi cables. You set an instrument output to a midi cable, and select the incoming cable for external mini input in the instruments you want to play the same time.

Smart! :) Will try it out.

edit: works beautifully!
edit2: maybe not, having a stuck note pretty often.
edit3: lol, getting some weird automatic note addition / feedback loop when pressing play on a pattern created using linked instruments.

Lovely! Playing with the apache loop now. I love the fact that it automatically assigns the slices to different keys. saves time from inputting all the 09xx variables when programing the chops. Kudos on the user defined offsets too, that’s a big plus!

Words fail me. Thank you devs.

Hey Jonas, a computer keyboard is to type messages with, not to record a tremendous amount of chords with.
In the past you could get away with it, today i would just recommend a 55 dollar Radio shack midi keyboard if you desperately need something fast and cheap :P

I actually have this small akai keyboard that could be used:

9 out of 10 times though I track solely from the keyboard, even though the akai fits in my laptop bag :) .

Wow. Just… Wow. Multiband send…

Create Digital Music breaks it down, plus interviews with dblue and sharevari:

Renoise 2.7 Adds Sample and Slice Savvy; Tips and Inside Info from the Developers - CDM Create Digital Music

fuck yeah! didn’t expected that :yeah:

this is awesome,think this release and new featuresis the best one yet in thetime i startred using renoise,so good job to everyone involved

Oh wow… basically this solves some of the things I have wanted for years :) Thanks a bunch guys!

Ok, so does this mean I could trigger different velocity layers w/ volume commands?