► Renoise 3.2 & Redux 1.1 released


I just noticed for the first time, that you can decrease fontsize and spacing of pattern editor. :yeah:
Nice for us LoDPI cavemen on small laptop.


Thank you @taktik and to all the fine people which are involved in the developement and support of Renoise. Great work, you rock!


Thank you for finally Updating Renoise!



Now Reason 11 with Reason Rack VSTi3 is out.
It would be nice to use the Rack inside of Renoise (3.3?) :slight_smile:

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Awesome, I am about to check it out. I spent some “hardware only” time but am currently really missing Renoise. It can do many things effortlessly that hardware sequencers still don’t do today and I am delighted about the time stretching being finally available.

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12 posts were split to a new topic: Please add VST3 support


Thank you for the UI scaling!!!

I bought Renoise about 5 or 6 years ago and basically haven’t been able to use it because it’s always been SO small on the screen. I’ve finally been diving in and am absolutely loving it!!

I got a NerdSeq for my modular earlier this year and that made me want to get back to trying to learn Renoise. Thankfully, with this update, I NOW CAN!! :heart:

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I only learned about this update now!

Thank you very much for making Renoise much more usable on my 1440p display. I made the switch to that resolution four years ago and always regretted it a tiny bit because Renoise was now either too small or too blurry and just not much fun to work with. This all changed now, and it looks gorgeous!

Thank you very much.


The time has come to go out of my head !!! Long live Renoise!!!

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64 bit is er al een poosje, mijn eerste 64 bit OS was XP 64 bit