I’ve been going through my collection of older songs, and loaded one from a few years ago in Renoise 3.4.2. Renoise complained it could not find the Ozone 9 Equalizer VST.
It listed other VSTs from Ozone 9, as well as Ozone 9 VST3 plugins (including the VST3 equalizer).
I opened the song in an earlier version of Renoise, and it loaded fine in 3.2.1 and in 3.3.
3.2 did not see any VST3 plugins, but at least with 3.3 I could load the song, with that VST, and also add the VST3 version, and then hand-copy the settings over.
But this seems like a real bug, that this VST no longer works in 3.4 while working fine in 3.3.
Not sure, maybe try the following in 3.42: remove ozone from plugins dir, restart Renoise, do a rescan, close Renoise, add ozone back to plug-ins dir, start renoise and do a rescan.
Edirol Orchestra (32bits) and lots of 32 bits vsti still are running under 3.4.
I use a lot Edirol Orchestra in 3.4 without problems.
Only fails with Hypersonic 2.
And its a pitty because Hypersonic its a great vsti!!
Linuxers already might know Carla. With Carla it’s possible to run Windows VST (32/64bit) in Linux. If your host application does not support 32bit VSt, Carla might help. There’s a Windows Version of Carla available as well.
I’m on Windows 10 pro 64-bit, I don’t think it’s a 32-bit thing. I can load other VSTs that are all part of Ozone 9 and I’d be surprised if some of them were 32-bit and others 64-bit.
FWIW, In Reaper, if you view a list of VSTs, any that are 32-bit have x86 appended to the name, and this does not appear for the Ozone 9 Equalizer VST.
remove ozone from plugins dir, restart Renoise, do a rescan, close Renoise, add ozone back to plug-ins dir, start renoise and do a rescan.
I didn’t do that because it seemed tedious : ), but while looking at the AppData\Roaming Renoise folder I saw there were assorted SQLite database files for cached VSTs, including failures. I moved them out of the folder and loaded the troublesome song. Renoise rescanned all the VST folders.
I got an error about an Ozone 9 Vintage EQ VST failing to load, and it said it would not load again until I removed that cache db. Sort of weird since that’s not the name of the plugin I was using (there is a vintage EQ plugin but I was using the regular one), but whatever. I removed the db files again, reloaded the song, and everything comes up fine.
I wish I took screenshots of the error messages because my recounting here might not be exact. The upside though is that if you have missing VSTs in a song, go find those db files, delete them (they get rebuilt), and try loading the song again.
This seems to have fixed the problem.
Thank you everyone for your comments and suggestions!