► Renoise 3 Beta testing starts - announcing Redux

lol - indeed Keith303, that pretty much sums it all up in nice poetry :) I might just install it and explore / play a bit around, but to really work on a track, I fall back to my well known environment where I can quickly paste inspiration that comes into mind.

Bellows wrote: " I’ve tried a few different softwares like Cubase, Fruity Loops, Pro Tools, Audity and Reason(Reason to kill yourself i’d rather call it :lol: ), but i’d choose Renoise even if we were still on 1.6. Call me a fanboy if you want, to me it’s just that tracking is much more fun. "

I fully agree: also tried many so called DAW’s, but to be honoust I have never been as satisfied as with renoise.


it’s not, it’s not
i just can’t explain why, now. tired as hell.

i promise this is the end of the board software />/>/>/>…

I must confess, i’m a bit disappointed.

Surely, there are neat things in Renoise, but i had expected (after so much talking about “r3 will be a new milestone”) stuff like, native synth, audiotracks, basically all the pinned

Topics in the “Ideas and suggestions”-Forum.

I mean , we are talking, brainstorming, using our head and discussing it, and afterwards nothing became true, so all the blabla in that Sub-Forum were just time-wasting chit-chat.


i want to send you a big fat THANK YOU for this update! i’m really happy about this massive improvement of the sampler. unfortunately my license only lasted till 2.9, so at the moment i cannot toy around with all this great new features, but i will purchase a new licence right after the holidays - i promise!

1st of all…this is called a beta? really? a beta? - this is max. an alpha version. why do we get doofer presets only by adding doofer devices? why does doofer have a coexistence with the device chains? why is it so inconvenient to add phrease patterns? why we dont get the very important internal midi routing? what are macros doing there (we already have automation?!) theres nothing new except a “rearranged” user interface which only leads to confusion (adding phrases to instruments/samples/midi???). to be honest…this is what i call an epic fail! the community had such great ideas…and we get this (for christmas, with a new price) - only the kids will like that! :badteethslayer:/> - the good thing is…i saved my 2.8.2 :)

  1. Doofers are devices created from several “modules”/DSPs. The complete setup usually has a special reusable purpose as device. Because of that it makes sense to manage those setups as device. A co-existence with (and in) device chains makes sense, because a device chain could have plain mixing purposes, that don’t match the character of an actual device.

  2. Adding phrases is as inconvinient as setting up an instrument. Setting up a simple phrase isn’t inconvinient. Setting up complexer things usually always is inconvinient. ;)

  3. Macros are the interface between native instruments and the automation. Before this, there was no way to automate native instrument params at all. So, if there is a killer feature in this release, to me this one is it.

  4. “adding phrases to instruments/samples/midi???”? Erm, what exactly is the problem with this? The different sorts are not independent anyway. That’s why they’re contained in ONE instrument. If you want independent phrases, use independent instruments. ;)

  5. Your 2.8.2 and all previous versions are still available for download backstage anyway. :D

Wow, first time Renoise got some hard resistance? I want to be short, I think (I hope) these new things are great. Could someone in the know perhaps make a video explaining the new features, show how they work, and explain the new GUI changes etc? Pleeeease? :)

Also, I do hope audiotracks, more advanced routing, better VST support etc are planned. This release is not next level, it just made Renoise more of a tracker than ever before. And that is not a bad thing. But I see how many people are a tad disapointed. All this tech talk is making me dizzy - can someone show how all these new things work?

Cheers from noob,

OK, after using the beta for a few more hours i gotta admit, it’s pretty sweet. i don’t mind the GUI changes as much as i did at first because the elements are grouped in a more concise way so that working in “views” is even more encouraged in this version and i definitely support that. of course it could use some refinements here and there but this will come with time.

i don’t know what the intentions/plans of the devs are for Renoise but Renoise manages to stay true to its roots and for me personally that’s the most important thing because other DAWs just don’t work for me. i don’t want an Ableton Live or FL Studio with a pattern editor attached to it, i want the best possible tracker on the market. that said, i’m kind of glad that i’m not a pro-user like some of the people who have been bitching about missing features.

Should you be able to have more than 1 phrase per instrument? Anybody know how to do that?



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Absolutely bad ass. Than you just map phrases along the keyboard!!!

Thanks… I understand now

:dribble: :walkman:

Just keep in mind, you have two sections.

The Phrase Editor and The Phrase Map (keyboard).

Check Preferences > Keys if you want to short-key assign what is allowed.

Additional options are visibly available just above each section.

I think a video explaining how to utilize the new features will go a long way for this release. Renoise just needs better advertising. A good video that showcases all the features and says, hey this is why we think these features are so useful and this why we think you should buy it or upgrade to 3.0 if you are on the fence. Has the manual been updated to include all the new features? I haven’t checked yet. Personally, I haven’t actually had the time to really dive in and see what this update can do.

I know that for me, it was the 2.8 tutorial and the videos on Duplex that finally sold me on Renoise and got me to throw down the money to invest in this product.

renoise needs a better interface designer :( the current usability and “worklfow” in 3.0 (i already have tried to compose a track some days), is HORRIBLE in comparison to 2.8 .

As this is beta testing phase, there is still a possibility to adjust the interface. If the team knows what’s going on… So you as a beta tester get the most out of this by wording more clearly WHAT exactly is wrong with the new interface that breaks your workflow. Describe what you are trying to do, why that is hard, how was it better, AND if you have an idea of how it would be better with the new interface, include that as well!

Additionally, this clearly worded explanation should be placed in the beta ideas and suggestions forum, no? :wink:

have done that in some posts and threads, but i think the tons of new threads every day makes them are all forgotten/burried :confused:
unfortunately the workflow of the new instrument/sampler window is horrible because of the tons of new features. once they implemented, as they are, its not possible to insert a magic switch to make them easy to use, its to late.

proud to upgrade my license, love this software! Thanks for 3 y’all.

and the best thing is…such a crappy preset handling

Awesome advise for free: Fiddling with it stops the moaning. Worked for me too. ;)

err well…no! i prefer workflows!