► Renoise 3 Beta testing starts - announcing Redux

quite right, I guess I was just being lazy trying distinguish a tracker from a… er… DAW.

Protracker was also digital and it also was a workstation. Was it a DAW ? :)

stuff i wrote down i wanted for christmas (a post i never posted)

  • synth-style instruments (seperate envelopes and filters for each slot) CHECK
  • more dsps CHECK
  • more sync-possibilities not really but w/e
  • bigger patterns meh
  • midi-fx phrase editor makes up for this big time (now we only need multiple phrases in one instrument, and being able to switch with pattern commands… HABA HABA … u cant do that right?)
  • and maybe some sort of graphic-ui-api. the reason i wrote this one down was because i wanted detachable windows and resizable ones… so CHECK for me

in other words i got nearly everything i wanted from this release :D
im having a blast with this releaseeee lots of fun - not sure where the negative vibe is coming from, don’t really think this topic is the place either.

Good idea. I’m going see what I can do to get things right and make notes of my experience and if I have anything to report I’ll do it under the “Help and Support” section.

You can map a different phrase to every single note on the keyboard range if you really want to. Simply play around a bit more with the editor and you’ll discover this.

Hint: You can drag the edges to resize the yellow phrase blocks positioned above the piano keyboard. Once you’ve made some empty space, just double click the empty space to create a new phrase there (or check the context menu for more options).

You can. Also see here at usage question: http://forum.renoise.com/index.php?/topic/39632-phrase-editor-usage-q-bug-and-suggestion/
Or at Sense/Net’s recent status update.

Edit: Including me there have today been 4 people not getting how to create Phrase 2 after clicking the create phrase button. ;) Maybe the developers should add some sort of visual hint. Like writing the label Phrase 1 more clearly onto the zone block (font with all pixels black?) or starting with two empty phrases.

Christmas came early!!

Guys, can anybody share Renoise 3 logo with me? I want to use it for our local Renoise community design.

So can anybody tell me if LV2 is supported or not? It’s really a critical buying criterion for me right now…

No it’s not, sorry.

Great job devs! FX per sample, phrases, macros :panic:/>

Absolutely beautiful.

Any chance duplex will work soon?

I haven’t been able to play around as much as I’d like to with the new version, but from what I have seen and read so far I’m really excited. Especially the phrases and instrument DSPs.

And regarding the UI changes, I just have to get used to it. It took me some time to find the Groove Settings for example.

But once the final version is out I guess the manual gets a little update too.

Anyhow, great stuff! Thanks

oh i see now thats what taktik meant with 120 phrases one per key, i was a bit confused… thanks :D
this is stupidly badass haha

I’d say yes and no.
Technically in my understanding a DAW is only a digital setup for producing audio. You need a soundcard, monitors and some type of software to record and mix audio and you have a DAW.

Just because you can’t do everything Pro Tools can doesn’t mean it’s not a DAW. Maybe i’m wrong, but if Pro Tools is a DAW then what exactly is the difference between a DAW and Renoise? The over expensive bundled hardware i don’t really need?
I can’t see anywhere a description says a DAW has to have a horizontal tracks. :huh:

If Renoise is not a DAW then why would i need one?

I’ve tried a few different softwares like Cubase, Fruity Loops, Pro Tools, Audity and Reason(Reason to kill yourself i’d rather call it :lol: ), but i’d choose Renoise even if we were still on 1.6.
Call me a fanboy if you want, to me it’s just that tracking is much more fun.

hmmm can someone explain to me whats the advantage of those macros and doofer? i didnt get it so far. what are these tools doing what renoise 2.8.2 wasnt capable of? phrases are easy to use and a funny thing…but why arent there more patterns for the phrases…do i always have to create a new instrument with a new phrase pattern for a change? and i would be really thankful to know from the devs why internal midi routing isnt yet supported as this is a VERY important feature?!

I’m in love.

Perfect :D/>

Cant wait to see what Autechre does with this.

Redux with Reaper will be alot of fun :D

a few posts up from this:

You just reminded me of something I had completely forgotten about. In 2004 a friend and I split a Reason 2.5 license. I bought a power-user 500 page guide book to it, an Oxygen 8 to control it with, and had a new soundcard and I was really pumped. Two weeks later I had it deleted off of my computer and was back to FL Studio and Buzz. I know this is off topic, but my mind was blown just now remembering that dumb time after not thinking of it for nearly a decade. I agree with your statement.

i promise you, this is the end for renoise! :wacko: