Renoise 3 speculation thread

All this maintenance is just a decoy to keep the spectators erm speculators busy. They even adjusted the message posted on the main site to no longer include “yet”. Maybe Santa Claus is coming to town, but R3? Seriously?

and it had a wink smiley… that’s just teasing to much haha

edit: nothing

It is already gone, just a Glitch or 2 in the system I suppose…


The “site under maintenance message?” it’s still here for me…


gone? I’m still looking at the maintenance page…
but then again, with earlier beta releases the site didn’t do this kind of thing…correct me if i’m wrong.

Yeah, believe you’re correct, but sometimes there’s downtime when there is a news post? that or they’re messing with us. Probably more likely.

Just the smiley is gone and the suggestive message.

Now it is just a maintenance page.

Smiley? I got not smiley…

Now i see what you mean.
I just want to believe in super mega death Renoise 2000 bc version 3.0 beta bitch :)

(moxon, if you don’t know AVGN: I did not call you a bitch. It’s just a play of words on a…thing)

So devs, I know you can’t say when Renoise 3.0 beta is released.
But can you tell the downtime has to do with Renoise 3.0 being released?
No awnser, in this case, is good ;)

When you go to the backstage and drill down to the releases section ( ) the ‘beta’ section is no longer listed… It must be really close… :D
(the heading for Beta was listed without any releases just days prior…)

We wantsss it! We NEEDSSS it!!!