Renoise Cheat Sheet

Noooo! The formula device is missing again! :panic:

Some corrections:

-The Volume Column section of the Effects page says 00-40 sets the volume of the current subtrack, when in actuality it’s 00-7F.

-The Bx, Dx, and Ex commands work in the volume column as well.

-Subtrack? Those are note columns. We should stick with official nomenclature to avoid confusion.

hi whark, thanks, i’ll see when i get to fixing these… however, i must say, they are image files, so i’d have to go to relatively great lengths to adapt them all and not sure i’ll have the time to do that in the near future. so i might put it off for an extended amount of time. just so you know :)

Wish this still existed!!! :mellow:

There’s still a copy stored at

Wish this still existed!!! :mellow:

Are we talking about this?

edit, or printable version;


Those commands are outdated, i think they’re from before 2.5 or something. Djeroek posted the most recent version.

Oooo, I dived a little more into and found a wide version of the cheat sheet which is great to use as a wallpaper on a desktop/workspace devoted to Renoise.

Oh look! Cheatsheets! Neat!

Never knew about the -Xxx command. crafty for cutting dem reverbs and delays.Thanks!