Renoise completely without mouse

Yeah,yeah he is a blast, of course i’m subscribed.

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Clear all the keybinds and take your time and set everything from scratch. A few tools here and there because they are out there.

I practically NEVER use the mouse


I’m already learnt default keys, with some minor remaping. Scavenging web for more information.

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I’m just a megalomaniac when it comes to personal customization lol

Here are a few tools that I use:

:point_up:t6: This one is a God send

:point_up:t6: Personally requested this one.

:point_up:t6: Haven’t explored this one completely but I use to load FX without having to search for them everytime via keybind

:point_up:t6:Can load plugin from a menu but can also keybind any plugin you want to auto load it


Yeah just look for the grooving in g videos where he goes over the essential hot keys, very good stuff :slight_smile:


Thanks for provided links!
Value Stepper is known to me, but as for Paketti… it looks like it is not compatible with latest version of Renoise.


already 've done it :sunny: )

I’ve seen my value stepper tool mentioned here already but I’d add that the motivation behind most of my other tools is to help a keyboard-only workflow as well (most notably “command_palette”) You can read about all of them in one place in my manual.


Thanks for neat link, need to observe it in detail!

UPD. Man, this is awesome reminds me VIM editor.
But in command palette i already run into two crashes, trying to deselect selection and jumping to specified sample number. i’m on v3.4.3.

Thanks for reporting @spacedrone808, command palette 2.0 was a major rework and it definitely is still a bit rough around the edges. However, the errors you mentioned should be fixed now.

Any further feedback is well appreciated as I don’t have as much time to test it myself as I’d like.


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Renoise team should definitely include your stuff in stock version of software.


i think i have a version of paketti floating around that is compatible with the latest version of Renoise.

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I am curious about this question:

I have heard that in many tracker communities about a mouse free workflow, but as far as I remembered, even trackers in Amiga also supports mouse.

Since my workflow for trackers is a mixture of mouse, typing and midi keyboard, I wanna know why would anyone want to have a keyboard only workflow?

Speed/efficiency and wrist/hand ergonomics, I’d reckon


This sounds makes sense at first, but as a developer who have used eclipse before, I have a doubt if full keyboard workflow really more ergonomic than a mouse, for a couple of reasons:

  1. To avoid conflict of the key strokes, sometime you need to assign things like ctrl + alt + y to do a specific function, which stress your hand into a weird position.
  2. For navigation, instead of a point and click, you have to rapidly typing the arrow keys to select a specific cell, which also hurts your finger in a long run.
  3. ergonomic Mouses do exist, and I would definitely invest one of I worry about the postures.

I am not someone who use keyboard only workflow; tell me more about how you guys use this kind of workflow for better efficiency. I don’t want simple answer without explaining like “less switching over devices.” or “read the docs to see how shortcut works.” which are vague, and I want to see your experience and why you ended up ditching mouse, to convince me doing that.

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Consider this:

Track Point Keyboard


Nice one, but i’m completely addicted to mechanical keyboard, so that is why it is not an option for me.

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What are you using?

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This is a rabbit hole i am resisting falling down with some considerable willpower lol.

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