Renoise completely without mouse

Consider this:

Track Point Keyboard


Nice one, but iā€™m completely addicted to mechanical keyboard, so that is why it is not an option for me.

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What are you using?

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This is a rabbit hole i am resisting falling down with some considerable willpower lol.

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There was also this:

Idk if one can buy it anymore

Thereā€™s a review:

I am a big fan of Track Point - Nipple Mouse. Feels very mouse free.

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Thatā€™s freaking cool, do the caps have LEDs for use in low light situations?

@spacedrone808 Totally possible to loose the cursed-cursor by using some of the tools mentioned by @icasiino and the lovely @unless 's command_palette. After selling my Polyend tracker recently I decided to fill my hardware tracker shaped void by rolling my own using a RPI4b as a host for Renoise. No mouse or trackpad obviously. My experience is that one can get the shortcuts dialed so the workflow ends up being just as fast as the Dirtywave m8 or Polyend tracker. It just takes some time finding what works for you, and building muscle-memory.

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But what make you think that is better then the hybrid approach? What is your experience about it and why did you ditch your mouse?

ā€¦or faster than anything IMO. I highly recommend taking the time to get familiar with the keyboard shortcuts if oneā€™s goal is to eliminate the mouse(:raising_hand_man:t6:) the default shortcut settings actually leave a large portion of key commands unassigned.

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I do not think it is absolutely better than hybrid approach(meaning kb + mouse). I have IBM/Lenovo laptops and they come with track-point integrated. Thus I do not need the regular mouse. It takes some time to get used to, but it feels very mouse-free to me. In the sense that fingers never leave the keyboard area.

I think here comes in the problem:

I use midi keyboard since I know a little on how to play a piano, so I often like to have a midi keyboard so that I can perform and jam a little bit before writing note into the tracker with the corresponding velocity response.

Thus, no matter how, I must move my hand to other devices.

Nevertheless, I originally want to debate a bit further for finding some reasons on why people prefer keyboard only workflow, but seems I have found a good reason for that:

Space efficiency

I remembered when I was using a notebook for my on-site work, I had to carry around because I need to communicate with other users. Despite the poor connection, mouse was another problem because I had to find a clean surface to use, but it was not really available due to the messy, temporary uat testing room. At the end, I had to use trackpad, but trackpads are generally poor in quality and difficult to use, to have a better way to navigate my IDE, I had to use some shortcut keys to do things more efficiently when ā€œpoint and clickā€ was not available.

So here we have it, full keyboard workflow is excellent for people who donā€™t have space for extra carry around (like using laptop on their lap, tiny desk space), or for people who love minimal workspace because more devices might distract their concentration or inspiration during switching.

Hence, although I donā€™t think I would use keyboard only workflow for music, I now kinda understand why some of the user want it.