Hey guys,
I’ve been trying to use the Legacy Collection (specifically the MS-20 plugin) within Renoise instead of using it in Reaper or as a standalone program, but when I start Renoise after having installed the plugin, it crashes. In the log, I get the following error message:
VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate ‘/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/KORG/MS-20.vst/Contents/MacOS/MS-20’…
VstPlugs: Plugin is a Mach-O executable…
VstPlugs: Instantiate FAILED (MagicMatch failed - is no VST Plugin) !!!
VstPlugs: CreateInstance FAILED
VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate ‘/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/KORG/MS-20FX.vst/Contents/MacOS/MS-20FX’…
VstPlugs: Plugin is a Mach-O executable…
VstPlugs: Instantiate FAILED (MagicMatch failed - is no VST Plugin) !!!
From the CachedFailedVSTs_x64.db file:
SQLite format 3@
¸jjuÇ!YYÇatableCachedFailedPluginsCachedFailedPluginsCREATE TABLE CachedFailedPlugins(LocalFilePath TEXT PRIMARY KEY ASC,CausedCrash BOOL)Å!Å%Yindexsqlite_autoindex_CachedFailedPlugins_1CachedFailedPlugins
ÏzÏÅÇ/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/KORG/MS-20FX.vst/Contents/MacOS/MS-20FXÅÇ /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/KORG/MS-20.vst/Contents/MacOS/MS-20
Ó{ÓÅÇ/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/KORG/MS-20FX.vst/Contents/MacOS/MS-20FXÅÇ /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/KORG/MS-20.vst/Contents/MacOS/MS-20
I’ve already deleted the db-files to try and reload it several times and reinstalled the plugin, but it didn’t solve anything. What does that error message mean and how can it be fixed?
I am running macOS Sierra version 10.12.6 (the newest). It’s the most recent plugin version (1.3.1) and Renoise is up to date as well. This problem ONLY exists within Renoise. It runs fine in Reaper.
Thanks in advance!