Renoise *.fxp files

There is this wonderful vst samper from SOnic charge called cyclone (yamaha tx16w emulator )
I’ve sampled hundred of instrumetns in it and always save these as fxp presets from the renoise dialogue .
This basically reloads the machine instanlty and works flawleslly
I just discovered that I can also save and load the machine state directly from the plugin with a dialogue that reads load machine state ( .fxb ) or write machine state (.fxb )
The issue is that apparently the .fxp files created with the renoise dalogue are not compatible with the ones made directly from cyclone and vice versa .
What’s even more weird is that since recenly , windows somehow called the .fxp files a VST patch .

Just to realize:

fxb = vst2 bank file
fxp = vst2 preset file

Maybe one is named incorrectly? The bank file should be much larger obviously…

You’re right
All the filses I created with renoise are *fxp and note *fxb
Cyclone’s own menu only loads *fxb . (I wonder why )
Time to convert hundreds of presets :° , while I can still load every *fxp , it’s perhaps better to save as *fxb to load directky from cyclone

thanks for pointing out

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