Renoise Hexadecimal Converter Snippets for Alfred (Mac)

I’ve always avoided committing useful values in hexadecimal to memory, so I finally made this cheat sheet (with the help of Mixtral AI), and saved the most useful values as keystrokes that I can invoke in my trusty (for Mac). This uses the text replacement feature Snippets in Alfred, but of course you could adapt this approach to your favorite text expander for Windows, Linux, or Mac, like the FOSS Espanso.

This makes it so I can create easy to remember text shortcodes for values like 50% – I just write rhex 50 and that automatically gets replaced by 80, the hex code for 50%. I created keystrokes for multiples of 10 (10%,20%,30%…) as well as multiples of 25 (25%, 50%, 75%) and thirds values (33%, 66%). I figure these are the most useful integers for settings values like volume, pan, delay, etc. but of course you could make more granular keystrokes for anything you need.

If you have Alfred, you can download my mappings as a Snippet Collection. Otherwise, hopefully this post will empower you to create something similar for yourself.

Below is the breakdown of how the AI arrived at these values:

This is a cheat sheet translating between hexadecimal values and decimal percentages on a scale where 0% = 00 and 100% = FF:

Decimal Percentage Hexadecimal Value
10% 1A
20% 33
25% 40
30% 4D
33% 55
40% 66
50% 80
60% 99
66% A9
70% B3
75% C0
80% CC
90% E6
100% FF


  • The scale ranges from 00 (0%) to FF (100%).
  • Each percentage is calculated by multiplying the percentage by 2.56 (since 256/100 = 2.56) and then converting the result to a hexadecimal value.

Calculation Examples:

  • For 10%: ( 10 \times 2.56 = 25.6 ) which is approximately 26 in decimal, and 26 in hexadecimal is 1A.
  • For 20%: ( 20 \times 2.56 = 51.2 ) which is approximately 51 in decimal, and 51 in hexadecimal is 33.
  • For 25%: ( 25 \times 2.56 = 64 ) which is 64 in decimal, and 64 in hexadecimal is 40.
  • For 30%: ( 30 \times 2.56 = 76.8 ) which is approximately 77 in decimal, and 77 in hexadecimal is 4D.
  • For 33%: ( 33 \times 2.56 = 84.48 ) which is approximately 84 in decimal, and 84 in hexadecimal is 55.
  • For 40%: ( 40 \times 2.56 = 102.4 ) which is approximately 102 in decimal, and 102 in hexadecimal is 66.
  • For 50%: ( 50 \times 2.56 = 128 ) which is 128 in decimal, and 128 in hexadecimal is 80.
  • For 60%: ( 60 \times 2.56 = 153.6 ) which is approximately 154 in decimal, and 154 in hexadecimal is 99.
  • For 66%: ( 66 \times 2.56 = 169.76 ) which is approximately 170 in decimal, and 170 in hexadecimal is A9.
  • For 70%: ( 70 \times 2.56 = 179.2 ) which is approximately 179 in decimal, and 179 in hexadecimal is B3.
  • For 75%: ( 75 \times 2.56 = 192 ) which is 192 in decimal, and 192 in hexadecimal is C0.
  • For 80%: ( 80 \times 2.56 = 204.8 ) which is approximately 205 in decimal, and 205 in hexadecimal is CC.
  • For 90%: ( 90 \times 2.56 = 230.4 ) which is approximately 230 in decimal, and 230 in hexadecimal is E6.
  • For 100%: ( 100 \times 2.56 = 256 ) which is 256 in decimal, and 256 in hexadecimal is FF.

AI Quote Prompt:

Here’s the prompt I used to get Mixtral AI to generate the above. You can modify it to your liking and/or use it in a different SkyNet of your choice.

Create a cheat sheet translating between hexadecimal values and decimal percentages. I want hex values for 10%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 33%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 66%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 90%, and 100% on a scale where 0%=00 and 256=100%=FF

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