Renoise is my home

I,ve been using renoise for almost two decades and while I occasionally dabble with other sequencers, I always come back to it .
A few moths ago I purchased a second hand license of Reason 10 , the absolute horror of getting any work done and the inferior old dsp code , yet they are charging 500 Euro’s …Insane
Needless to say I sold it within 2 months ,
So why this thread ?
Renoise is awesome , sure it has it’s shortcomings and can be improved in many areas(especially the dsp part ) but at it’s core it’s still a magnificent gemstone , a tightly integrated sampler directly connected to the sequencer .
Taktik don’t ever ever sell out :slight_smile: and keep the spirit of tracking Alive .
Renoise is awesome


Could you shed some light on which shortcomings it has and which painpoints / workflow issues you have with Renoise? i’d be very much interested in seeing if i can use LUA to code scriptual improvements to Quality-of-Life of using Renoise. I’ve been doing this nonstop now for 5 months straight, and am over 1000+ functions into Paketti.


Is this the official Renoise worship thread?

It is! It’s cheap, it’s mature, it’s well designed and it’s open for extras like tools for those who need it. Personally I don’t even know what to improve, and I’m not even using any tools. Renoise is already perfect if you’re using it as a tracker, just like some of you probably did in the past with basic trackers like ProTracker or FastTracker.


There are many ares where things could be improved (pattern sequencer, alternative note data visualisations, CLAP support, etc.).

But to me the main shortcoming still is (ironically) the sampler in Renoise (and hence Redux as well), which misses basic features that (hardware) samplers 35 years ago could already do.

For more details, see here and here.

When I first encountered Renoise, paying for a tracker felt outrageous. Now it just feels like an incredible deal, zero regrets.

I am an intermittent user, and whenever I come back, Renoise is just sitting there, good to go. It runs on a potato and comes with an excellent set of tools out of the box. I’m fairly sure I’ve been responsible for selling a few licenses, which is my small payback.

It feels like modern luxury Protracker with benefits, which is something that I enjoy.


Ah! here’s one!

I’ve searched a recent thread to thank TakTik for the current version.
Renoise is rocksolid, blazing fast and has all the features I could ever dream of.

Thank you for keeping the dreams and hopes of MANY trackerfans alive.
You created their digital home!


I stopped worrying about new Renoise versions getting the features i’m missing a long time ago. Renoise is my tool and i use it for what it can do and do not worry about what it can’t. It does 95% of what i want and the rest i solve with VST’s. There are a few things that would have been convenient and nice to have, but that doesn’t prevent me from being creative with this amazing tool. I need no other DAW and i won’t even bother checking out new ones no matter how convincing the sales pitch is. I’m a Renoiser, i’ve always been and i’m most likely going to be a Renoiser as long as i live. Thanks for stealing my life. :grinning:


It’s weird how fast I found a good workflow with Renoise after two decades of FL-Studio. It feels very natural and comfortable. No reason to use anything else. I’m not saying that I will never use FLS again, sometimes I just need to have some change in things to keep my mind fresh; so perhaps 95-5% Renoise-FL in future.
My audio recording process got so much better when I changed to Renoise (for multiple reasons…) and that’s a big deal for me. Renoise is amazing! Also creating new themes is an addictive side-hobby. Theme creation in FL sucks btw.

Only thing that I find a hindrance is that I can’t automate my favorite vst’s knobs (Sytrus) because I have to use FLS as vsti in Renoise. But the blame goes to Image-Line. They use to have their plugins available for usage in other DAWs. They took that option off the table. I’m frigging pissed about that.

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Yeah I am too lol. I’ve wanted sytrus and harmor (especially) as vst for a while now

Sytrus is my favorite and Harmor is second. Two very good synths that offer nicely different approach to sound design. With Sytrus I get very directly to whatever I want to create.

I’ll echo the sentiments of everyone who is mostly happy with Renoise as it is. It really does feel like a home in the sense that I know I can always return to it after my experiments with other DAWs get too frustrating.

My biggest “fear” is that Renoise would adopt too many of the features that would ostensibly improve it, and lose its identity in the process. Of course, taktik seems well aware of this too, so I expect Renoise to remain a comfortable home indefinitely.

I might differ from some hardcore Renoisers in that Renoise is not my perfect DAW. But my perfect DAW does not yet exist, and in the meantime, Renoise is perfect at being Renoise. :slight_smile:


Never let the perfect be the enemy of the good :wink: