I just bought a Kaossilator Pro, to play with it’s own internal synth and to play vsti on my favourite trackers !
The little problem is that kaoss pro in external control midi mode sends notes on X axis but don’t send velocity on Y axis…
So I break my head on many sequencing softwares to have vsti full control (x = notes, Y = velocity or any parameter ) and finally found the solution on renoise !!!
How to :
plug the kaoss pro in usb, configure the good midi in port in renoise
turn the kpro in external midi mode ( shift+8 )
open a renoise “automation device”, attribute a slider to a parameter from a vsti, like synth1 filter freq…
option / midi mapping, click the “automation device” slider to control (like normal kazakhstan)
now hold a finger pressed on the Kpro to have midi cc 119 binded (it will show 118 too but this one is less accurate)…
and with your other hand close the midi mapping window ! (if you release your finger on the kpro before closing the mapping window it attribute cc 92 and it doesn’t work)
So if you have 2 hands and a correct brain, you can now play like a monkey on lsd with all your favorite vstis !
There’s just a little strange thing, Y axis is reversed.
That’s all folks !