Renoise Meeting

Hey folks,

I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. Since it came up in the #renoise chat, I decided to make a topic about it to bring up some ideas, and perhaps actions ;)

Seeing there are a lot of dutch Renoisers, wouldn’t it be nice to have a meeting someday? The Netherlands is a rather small country, so if we decide to hold the meeting in the centre of it, noone would have to travel that far.

This meeting can be just about anything; think about a simple BBQ, going to a bar and chat around, or perhaps even organise a small party (including Renoise artists of course!). I’m not sure about this, but I think most people are heading towards their holidays, so I thought this would be a nice time to bring up the idea.

I’d like to add that I have a rather big garden where this can be held, but I don’t live in a “public transport-friendly” place. Sure, it’s near Amsterdam, but it takes ages to get here without a car.

So… what are your thoughts about this?

Sure! I’d go.

… if I lived closer…

…if I was a better renoiser.

I would come, definitly! Nice way to meet new people, tho I’m no renoise hero myself :lol:

Nice idea. Would there be a possibility for people to stay there overnight in a tent or something? Just for the case you come with your car and want to have a few beers? ;)

Well, we haven’t decided on a location yet. But if it would be at my place, I would have something like 5 spots. Maybe more if people bring their own sleepingbag :)

P.S. Added a poll!

You could always bring more beer to compensate this capacity-issue.

if i lived closer

It’s always in Europe Isn’t it.

Sure, ill just fly all the way there…

Maybe… if I get a lift.
Anyway nice idea.


Unless I drunk it all before I get there. ;)

yes, if it was anywhere near my neighbourhood which happens to be on the other side of the planet from you guys.

if i had the skillz & lived a bit closer :>

Aw, it’s a shame to hear that most of you live far away :(

For the ones willing to come, please post suggestions! What kind of activities would you like to see on this meeting?

I’m willing to organize most of it, but I will need some help (input, feedback, etc).

A couple of times this was brought up. Including by me.
But I live in Groningen, so not very central to arange something.

But sure If it’s somewhere in the Netherlands I will come to join the fun for sure!
(Or Germany for that matter)

It would be about time to meet up!

I like the idea, I would come , always nice to meet some renoise people.
I’m dutch too .

So far I’ve gotten no concrete ideas or suggestions. As much as I’d like this to happen, I guess it won’t. I reckon this topic will just end a silent death, like all other meeting threads :(

Aww, if it wasn’t so near to the end of my hols I’d have been very tempted. It’s been a while since I ventured oustide of Amsterdam (yes, I’m usually there for the stereotypical stag nights). I doubt flights are as cheap as they were a few years back either…Have fun if you can get it going! :)

Well where do a majority of U.S. Renoisers reside?
I’d always be interested to hear of a get-together that’s not in Netherlands or Germany.
Although I’ve spent time in both and honestly wish I were there. I’ve never met friendlier people than I have in those places :)
And they both rule my music software life!