Well in diving head first into Renoise and loving every second of it. I think it is absolutely cool that I can import all of my early works into renoise and tweak them even better. But one of the things that puzzles me is the effects that I applied in ModPlug to some of my samples such as Re triggering and delays don’t carry over into Renoise. Does anyone out there know if there is a fix for this or something that i can do to remedy this issue? I have tried effects in Renoise but they are not exactly close enough to what I had done in ModPlug. Some help on this would be awesome!!!
Well, first of all you have to understand that the import of old mpt-stuff (it, xm) is just some “sugar on top” and not a core feature of renoise. It does import those files but the import sucks, there are better xm-editors out there (milkytracker et al). Renoise was not developed to replace oldschool-tracking although it’s possible to do oldschool tracking.
It is possible to check “Song Properties” and change some parametres there but I doubt that would help.
As you are using mpt you can easily export several Tracks to WAV (those which need special triggering) and “remix” your own work by adding those wavs to renoise.