Renoise native Convolver issues?

I love using IR’s but i noticed when using IR’s within renoises Convolver the quality is really abysmal - the sound is nasty and thin when compared to other IR loaders. Is this some bug?

Would be nice if there was an updated convolver device that is full high quality. In this age with the fast cpu’s i think a HQ native convolver would be a must have imho.

It sounds like there’s a ton of aliasing noise added to everything i put through it.
I compare it with Fog Convolver 2 or the native Bitwig convolver device and there is none of that noise added - it sounds pristine in there.

Here a screenshot of a sample going through a reverb in convolver. Notice all that high end aliasing that is added.

Here the same thing going through Fog Convolver 2. No aliasing added whatsoever.