I recently got a new hdd and installed windows again. So of course I had to download renoise again and I didn’t even realize it was a new version.
I had to download my plugin installers. They gave me the option of VST3 so if I had that option I chose it.
I noticed they install somewhere dark & mysterious and renoise just finds them. If I installed a VST3 plugin with renoise currently open I had to uncheck the “enable VSt3 plugins” box and then check it again so it would show up in renoise.
The main problem is that songs are loading with an error for example:
These plugins are installed but my guess is that it’s trying to find older VST2? plugins.
I can reload those plugins but I have to start over. I lose all the changes I made to any presets, any knob I tweaked. Just looking for solutions. Maybe I’m overlooking something
You have to install the vst2 versions if you used them also in your old songs. The vst2/vst3 versions are not compatible to each other. They all have different unique identifiers and probably incompatible load/save chunks.
I didnt see situation yet where interal plugins presets arent comatible, so if you want to use vst3 versions…
install vst2 version also, open it and save current project settings as preset
add vst3 version, load saved preset.
Congratulation, you migrated from vst2 to vst3.
I did try to make tool for it for mapping settings etc but figured out that this is way faster manually ;D
Yeah, I was thinking about installing the VST2 versions. I need to double check, but It looked like that one of the (updated) installers was only gave me a VST3 option, so that’s annoying. I’ll try a few things
oooh so good point doh. True. I didnt have this problem because i dont really automate that much
but also if you load vst2 and next vst3 you can simply copy and past those too, using copy current envelope to clipbord and pasting it, even between parameters with completly different names.