Renoise not remembering auto suspend

Is the auto suspend function supposed to be remembered when saving a project?

Most plugins seem to keep the option enabled except for Replika XT by native instruments and JMG Expanse 3d. They both seem to have the option disabled every time i open the project.

No, it is saved within global prefs, not song related. At least it should. Make sure you closed Renoise after changed in your tests.

Yeah, those two plugins i mentioned do not remember the Auto suspend setting.

Tried it a couple of times now.

Both are VST3

Wormhole By Zynaptiq is the same. VST3

I noticed that for some reason effects auto-suspend is remembered, but not instruments.
I even edited database and enabled auto-suspend for selected plugins - with no effect.
For some reason Renoise do not read this parameter from database.