renoise not responding

Ok, I think we’ve definitely found another Renoise bug, which has to do directly with the input devices.For weeks I wanted to add a problem in the forums that I have been experiencing when using a USB microphone. It may be related to what happens to Ken.

Mi PC: tower with Sound Blaster ZXR, i7 with 32GB RAM, ports USB 2.0/3.0 and microphone USB Trust Emita and Windows 10! (Trust Emita do not need to install additional drivers. Connect and go. Works with Windows drivers).

What happens is that Renoise does not correctly recognize the disconnection/connection of the USB microphone.Then, for Renoise to detect the microphone again, I need to close Renoise and open it again.Then, there must be some problem of real-time detection of input devices, via USB or even through minijack (sound card input).I strongly suspect that Renoise has some bug related to all this.Unfortunately, I have only been able to test it with Windows 10.You should try the depth mayor to describe exactly the problem. If it is an error, it should be resolved in the next version.

@Ken. Maybe something similar happens to you?It could be a bug of those very hidden and strangers under the hood of Renoise.

On the other hand, maybe your case is different, and has to do with the performance of your hardware. Burn, “involves an extra effort” hardware, especially your CPU. If you have a poor performance computer, you may suffer occasional blockages. What specifications do you have? It is not the same with a laptop with an i3 as a tower with an i7. This seems like a common scenario on poor performance laptops. If the PC (your CPU) warms up more than it should, this CPU slows down its performance so it does not get warmer, causing some operations to “hang” momentarily.It also depends on the custom configuration of your hardware.Could this be?

EDIT:note that my problem is not in the recording of sound through the microphone, but in the state of the connection / disconnection of the USB connector of the microphone, it seems that Renoise does not react as it should.

EDIT2:I have described my problem here: It probably has nothing to do with this topic.