Renoise rounding decimals

hello peepz,
back on renoise after a while and very happy for it.
i’m trying to understand smth that’s quite crucial to me (though probably pointless for others), is there anyway to have 4 decimal precision in renoise from the interface?
meaning what happens in the rounding.
i see that it’s all rounded to 3 but i generally use a lot of exact 0.5 / 0.25/ etc amplitude scale for which to work properly, i need 4decimals in db. (ie 0.5= -6.0206 / 0.25= -12.0412 etc

any insights welcome :slight_smile:
be well all.

You can type 4 decimals. Renoise only shows 2 decimals which seem to be rounded, but they are not. It just shows 2 rounded decimals, but processes the 4 decimals you typed. If you type for example 128.5555 bpm and press enter, it shows a rounded 128.6
But if you now double click the value again and scroll to the right with the arrow key, the typed 128.5555 bpm still is there. So Renoise also should run with 128.5555 bpm. But this doen’t work the same on some other value boxes. Some few still get rounded to 1 or 2 decimals or values with no decimals (for example semitone and octave values). But on most it should work.


thank you for the reply, i suppose it’s down to per case usage… thnx again!