Renoise Should Sell the Business

Guys, Renoise is not just a tracker like all those shitty oldschool trackers, it is a tracker DAW. Mind the difference! Btw. I used protracker, octalyzer, and then OctaMED a lot :laughing: After buying a PC I realized that OctaMED for PC had serious midi timing issues, which never were fixed. I think OctaMED for Amiga had the best 4++ voices audio engine, hadn’t it?

This was exact what you did. The Form as Dialog with call my name as often as possible! I call for missing features for Renoise, or overwork in that parts where it has weaknesses. Thats all! Your argument i would demand something thats not allowed/not wanted (pianoroll) , or is not designed for (real Wavtrack handling) or other stuff (better font rendering engine) is only gaslighting and far from the real world. World is changing every day, and software products changes adain and again. If you like it in your Bubble then close you in with Renoise 1.0 and live with it till you die. But dont speak for all plz.

happy tracking :slight_smile:

Simply because i like Renoise, for its simplicity and some Workflows like i wrote in my posts above. If i not would like Renoise, i would not make me the effort zu write specific critics here. I would simply not use it anymore.

happy tracking :slight_smile:

If I read this correctly, your point is the autoseeked/synced sample changes in pitch when the bpm is changed so it no longer sounds good compared to the melodies in your song?
There is a timestretch option which keeps the formants intact, change the repitch mode to something else in the sample properties of the particular instrument;

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No i use streching algorithmus. but i want syncronize single word phonems on specific notes.

if you like its simplicity, why do you keep asking the devs to complicate it?

I want it make not more complicate. I think my concept would much easier, a much more flexible and had a better more efficient Workflow as the existing slice concept…

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To be honest this reminds me of Radium (Tracker) which I can’t even look at , let alone using it .

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Maybe, its only a concept for precise syncing of Vocalphrase phonemics an specific trackermelody notes.

Phonemics syncronising not needed ultra precision. You can sync the syllables by hearing. But naturally a Zoom in function on the Wavechannel would be a nice to have and give possibility for more accurat adjustements. The setting of the Stretch Cursor have to be pixelexactly anyway. You could set the point via a play cursor where you can lower speed for hearing. on the corresponding Pixel you set your Stretch cursor. Then you can move this cursor to the Noteline to which you want sync. The cutted or stretched/shrinked Wave sample parts should be placed in a project cache folder. with the ability to render this time later if you are satisfied with your work. Similar to the Render Slice destructively option.