Renoise + Spotify

True. Those kind of platforms are mainly for overhyped hipsters and wannabes in that respect.

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Yeah I didn’t mean technically,I mean why would you support those fuckers.In my eyes they are robbing people blind and getting away with it.i will never ever agree to some shit like that.Bandcamp seems pretty decent.You get the money almost immediately however they take like 27 per cent or something which is a bit steep but still better than those robbing bastards over there.They may as well kick you in the balls with every upload,shower of cunts.


I hear you.
But let’s not waste our energy and move on - to the other worlds in our heads.
We make music for the sake of it, because one loves it.
Like it should be.


Making music religiously for 18 years.I think you are missing the point, why would you let them do that to you?If money is not the object for you why upload to them??


This discussion already took place in this thread. :slightly_smiling_face:
Some do have the opinion that Spotify is good for spreading their music. I don’t think so (especially not if you’re a nobody creating specific type of music just like us). But if they want to “spread” their music by getting 3-5 plays per month, I say “go for it”.


I’ll never understand it.i really don’t get it.

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I just have read that Daniel Ek, the founder of Spotify, has got a private asset of 4.8 billions of dollars. Four point eight billions! He’s one of the richest in the whole world. And those artists who use spotify are getting 0,003 dollars per stream. What’s wrong here? Think about it…

By the way, he’s now investing in military artificial intelligence. So YOU are working for HIS wealth and not for your advantage if you’re using Spotify. I never used Spotify and I never will, but now I also hate it.


As long as it is possible for people to be so filthy rich and greedy, others will have to suffer eventually.
This should be prohibited by law.
But unfortunately it is possible for such Individuals to make their own laws and to influence politics.
It truly is a shame.

Hi. Here is my contribution.

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Hi, lovely idea to have a playlist. Three of mine here. Would much appreciate you including them!

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Updated. Thank you for your links :slight_smile:

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Any updates from you guys? ) I think it is time to refresh the playlist with new tracks1

Hey! I just released my new single “Lake”, made within Renoise! Here’s its spotify link: Spotify

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Here are my albums on Spotify, I guess the 2022 album is most listenable to Renoise fans and users. All of them are made in Renoise.

2022: Spotify
2020: Spotify
2011: Spotify
2010: Spotify
2009: Spotify
2005: Spotify

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my new one!

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I’m happy to request to be included on the list because I wrote an EP heavily using renoise :slight_smile:

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