but more recently installed a new SSD with 64 Bit Win 8 …
Both run the latest version of Renoise, but quite an alarming amount dont play on the 64 bit system! Even though there is now 8GB of ram to access. CPU just hits 99.9 and it stops playback
Can anyone explain why? Is there any advice for streamlining this win8 machine to play these tracks?
Was it all in the same number version of Renoise? I’m pretty shure recent versions of Renoise uses more CPU than older ones, so maybe that’s the cause?
its the same machine! Something like quad core intel 3.2ghz 8 gb ram - I just change the hdds round to switch between them.
Same version of renoise, latest version.
Doh…i reread your first post.
If it runs slower on 64 bit running on an ssd there must be something fishy going on…
Maybe there is not enough space left on the drive?
You could try to do a speed test of your ssd, see if it runs like it’s supposed to?
Make shure all the RAM shows up and the clocking is the same as the 32 bit, generally that you got the same specs when looking at the system spec window in both
I vaguely recall having problems running two OS’s on the same computer, but that was ages ago and i don’t remember, but i think perhaps the pins on the back of the harddrive was messing up. This was on the old IDE HD where the pins on the back was rearranged so the drive is being read as a master or slave drive or something similar. I doubt that this should be a problem in modern computers.
You didn’t say if you are using plugins? Using 32bit plugins on 64bit system will use much more CPU than on a 32bit system.